Golda's Stories of the Holocaust


Part II - Amendment

Section 2 – Bergen-Belzen

Chapter A – The living conditions


They are planned to cause us a quick death




We traveled several days and arrived 'in a good time' to Bergen-Belzen.

This is a huge area of adjacent army camps, near the city Hanover in north Germany.


We were the first transport that came there from Auschwitz.



On the way we estimated in optimism that we travel to Germany for work.

This was because the orchestra came with us.


In Auschwitz there was a huge orchestra of three hundred girls.

All of them wore dark-blue sailors' suits, with white collars.

Every day, when we went out to work, the orchestra played for us near the gate.


Frequently the tune was "Rosa Mundel".

This melody was broadcasted frequently also in the Israeli radio.

Until an Auschwitz survivor, Ms. Olevski, applied to the radio in the question why they are broadcasting a tune that reminds of so many troubles, and they ceased it.



We saw where we arrived, and we understood what more is waiting for us from the Germans.


Over there prevailed dirt, lice, Typhus, Cholera and gangrene.


All the plagues, the infections and the diseases were there.



We came in such big troubles, and went to sleep in such awful dirt.


In the walls of our dormitory there were columns of lice so dense, that they looked like the distance between closet doors.


The lice took control over our body.



Very quickly we discovered the characteristics of the place:


There were no beds. We slept on the floor.


They gave us almost nothing to eat.


There was a grave shortage of water.


Lavatory did not exist.


We did not receive work.


Daily agenda did not exist.


There were no rules and laws.



It was impossible to bear the situation.


Every one became ill.


Auschwitz looked for us already as paradise.



We were sleeping without strength most of the time.


In a big part of the time that we were awake, we removed lice.


Who that wanted, went outside the dormitory in order to take fresh air, or to take care of her matters.



There were girls who, when they were weak, or when the Nazis did not let us go out, used to do their excretion in their food pot.

At noon, before the delivery of the food, which was some meager soup with a piece of beetroot, they poured the contents, filled in the food pot, and ate from it without fear.



There were girls who sometimes left a slice of bread for the morning. This was in order that they will have something to eat, and their soul will not leave them during the night.

I saw a girl from Hungary who, because of a little piece of bread, in the size of finger, which her friend stole from her, strangled her in her throat to death.



If one could help the other, they sometimes could save each other's life.

The relative or friend would bring some water, some food, and helps and encourages the spirit.

But those who had no one, died from any easy illness.

Collapsed like a bird, fell asleep and that it.



Opposite my window in the dormitory, in a distance of twenty meters, with only a street between us, there was a hill of thousands of corpses.

A colossal pile of dead bodies, in a length of dozens meters, and in a height of several meters.

Almost two Years I was in Bergen-Belzen at the same place, and opposite me were the corpses along the street.

After a while I got used to this unbelievable view.


Every day many people, that this was their job, were dragging to and from the hill corpses of dead people.

They dragged them holding the limbs.


The dead were brought there from the places where they died, in order to be burned.

But in Bergen-Belzen there were not large crematoriums as in Auschwitz.

There was only one little oven to cremate all the bodies.

It could not burn so many corpses during the day.

The majority remained in the pile.



In my dormitory there were three supervisors.

They had a separate room in the far side from the door.

A German soldier, tall and fat, was a lover of one of them.

Every night he came to her, and they made love beside her friends.

In order that he will arrive at her, she made for him a path between our bodies.

We were lying quietly on the floor, and see the big shadow of the soldier, with long leather boots, walks clumsy.

If he accidentally walked on us, it was forbidden to make any noise.




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