How To Make Your Penis Bigger Naturally By Using Your Hands
| Author:
Tony Smith
In truth, a lot of men are unsatisfied with the size of their penis, particularly when women they are involved with tell them stories about how big their past lovers were. Men feel insecure about their penises and begin to consider ways of making them larger than they are. There are a lot of choices when it comes to penis pumps or pills, but these solutions will cost you an arm and a leg and there is not guarantee that they will work. Also, they have bad side effects. Why spend money and take risks with your health when you can learn how to make your penis bigger naturally by using your hands?
We can begin by discussing penis exercises that will make your girth bigger. The exercise that has been shown to be the best at making your girth bigger is called penis milking. The strokes you will use will be just like the ones you use to masturbate, but you won't have a total erection and you will not be pleasuring yourself. You will want to be erected only partly and then you will stroke your penis upwards with a strong grip so that you are pushing blood all the way through it. After you do this for some time, your penis will become wider when you have an erection.
There are a lot of penis exercises you can to to make your penis longer, too. Just like when individuals stretch the muscles in their legs to be able to do a split, you have the ability to make your penis longer by stretching the muscles around it. When you do not have an erection, take hold of your penis head and pull out until it begins to feel a little bit uncomfortable. Keep hold of it for about ten seconds, then let go. If you do a couple of sets each day, your penis will be bigger before you know it.
About the Author:
These are some tips on on to make your penis bigger naturally. If you want to use other techniques that are guaranteed to make your penis bigger, click here.
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