Nine Essential Players Your Team Needs To Create a Thriving Business   by Yvonne Weld

When we look towards creating a strong and thriving business, we sometimes forget we can't do it alone. Just as a baseball team has essential players each with their own role all working together to win the championship game, so too must you have all the necessary players in your business. No one person can cover all the bases without feeling tired and stressed which is why a good team learns the dynamics of each of the nine players and works towards emphasizing each others strengths. So who are the key players that can help you reach the success you are dreaming about and help ensure you create a thriving business.

Banker - Opening a bank account is an easy process, but taking the time to truly get to know your banker and to become visible to them is essential to good business growth. With the onset of online banking and ATMs, we have lost that "personal touch" in a number of cases. Many times spending some time with and getting to know your banker can be an important step to creating a thriving business. Your banker can suggest products and services to replace or enhance the services you already have.

Lawyer - A lawyer is a good person to have on your team even if they are not someone that you use frequently. At the very least, your lawyer can assist you to create the necessary contracts to protect you from possible lawsuits. Another thing your lawyer can do is be the "sound of reason" during a tough situation and provide you with the information to make the best decisions for you and your business.

Accountant - Many of us like to prepare our own income taxes, especially when we are a small business and just starting out. By consulting an accountant and bringing them onto your team, you can learn what it takes to maintain proper accounting records and what deductions are or are not acceptable in your business.

Insurance Agent - Business insurance is an important investment to make in your business. Before starting any business one should consult with an insurance agent to ensure you are covered for any eventuality. If you are in business already and don't have an insurance agent on your team, now is the time to find one. As they say "better safe than sorry."

Mentor - Who is it that you look up to? Who inspires you to make the business decisions you make. Every successful business owner can tell you the name of the person or persons who fill that role for them. Many may not have personally met their mentor and others may have a mentor who is not necessarily a business owner themselves. Your mentor will become a valuable player in providing you with a direction for your business.

Coach - The person you utilize to fulfill the role of coach may or may not be a professional. The coach role I am talking about is the person who gives you the push to think further and harder. They are the person you go to with your ideas and who provide you with support and encouragement to make your dreams come true. After all, if we aren't working towards fulfilling a dream for our business, why be in business at all?

Supportive Family - A supportive family is one of the most essential players to your business success. Having someone to stand behind you through the ups and downs of your business and cheer you on towards success will be the key to truly creating a thriving business.

Assistant - We can truly never "go it alone" if we want to create a thriving business. You need to have an assistant even if they are simply someone who helps you when you are sick or on vacation. Your assistant could take the role of employee, subcontractor, spouse, virtual assistant or perhaps something as simple as an answering machine message or autoresponder set to answer your messages during absences.

You - Finally we have gotten to the most important player in creating your successful team. Without you, your business would lack the vision, determination and skills to "go the distance".

Keep in mind that even if you are playing more than one position at any one time, the roles and requirements for a successful business team never change. By ensuring your business has at least one of each of these players, you will have truly created a thriving business and are well on the way to winning the championship game.

About the Author

Yvonne Weld is the author of The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Thriving Business and is the owner of ABLE Virtual Assistant Services. Have you truly created a thriving business? Could your business survive any obstacle thrown at it? For your FREE Preview Manual visit and for more information about The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Thriving Business and how you can ensure you have truly created a thriving business, visit the Web site at